For the Soulful Traveler
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The Soulful Traveler® is a monthly featured Chicken Soup® column brought to you by the co-author of Chicken Soup for the Traveler's Soul®, Steve Zikman.

Steve Zikman has ventured through more than fifty countries on six continents. Steve's travels have allowed him to trek the Himalayas, welcome the sunrise over the Amazonian jungle, backpack across erupting lava fields in Zaire, and chat with two of the most fascinating figures of our times--Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa.

Combining writing with his passion for the road, Steve Zikman is the author of the highly acclaimed The Power of Travel: A Passport to Adventure, Discovery and Growth and co-author of Chicken Soup for the Traveler's Soul and the forthcoming Chicken Soup for the Outdoor Soul.

Steve is the founder of GOscape™ providing powerful tools to enrich, enhance and expand the appreciation of travel, the outdoors and the adventure of life.

Travel is one of our most precious freedoms. We hope that Steve's Soulful Traveler® column will demonstrate how travel can help us shift our perspective, conquer our fears, and embrace life's challenges.

When he's not writing or speaking, Steve heads out again--to river beds teeming with wildlife in the Kalahari Desert, a golden-hued farmhouse in Italy, or the majestic mountains near his home in Los Angeles.

This Month's Featured Article

(posted 7/22/02)

Three years ago, I returned to two places I had already been--Italy and Germany.

I was last in the land of Puccini and pasta in 1982, too many years to have been away from such a splendid country. Back then, I was backpacking through Europe and spent two hurried weeks scurrying through Florence, Siena, Rome, and Capri. I also made it to Venice but I gave it only one day as there were other places to see and this city of canals didn't hold my youthful interest. more>>

Steve Zikman is the author of The Power of Travel: A Passport to Adventure, Discovery & Growth and coauthor of Chicken Soup for the Traveler’s Soul. To learn more about Steve’s books, visit his website at:

Click here to read a sample of The Power of Travel.

To correspond with Steve, email him at:

For information about Steve's speaking programs or to book Steve for your organization's next event, please call Cindy Bertram at 219-322-9186.

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